Partial Knee Meeting on Thursday 15th andFriday 16th May 2025 in Harrogate.
23rd December 2024 by
Following the success of the inaugural meeting in 2024, the meeting returns in 2025. A twoday meeting focusing on Fixed-Bearing Unicompartmental and Patello-Femoral Arthroplasty.
Following the recent NICE guidelines recommending UKA as a treatment modality that
should be offered to suitable patients; a particular focus of the meeting will be how to safely
grow a UKA practice whilst under the shadow of the NJR.
Fixed-bearing partial knee arthroplasty is the gold standard for unicompartmental knee
surgery combining outstanding patient outcomes and very low revision rates.
We are delighted to announce an outstanding faculty combining 5 of the UK’s most
experienced partial knee surgeons with a lower-volume but very experienced colleague and a
recently-appointed colleague (for their unique perspectives).
The five senior surgeons have each performed thousands of partial knee procedures using the
best fixed-bearing partial knee implants.
Clockwork Medical