This is a two day course from Monday 11th to Tuesday 12th March 2019 at The Wrightington Hotel, Moss Lane, Wrightington, WN6 9PB. It is an instructional course with lectures, case based discussion and workshops covering all aspects of peri-prosthetic femoral fracture management. It is aimed at consultants, senior trainees and AHPs with an interest in peri-prosthetic fracture management. Costs are £125 for two days (early bird until 25th January 2019 of £100) and £35 for course dinner on Monday 11th March. Please visit www.wrightington.com to book and please email Liz Newton, Course Coordinator at wrightingtoncourses@gmail.com or telephone her on 01257 256293Provisional Programme – NW PPF Course – 11th and 12th March 2019