Dear ACPA members
As we head towards the beginning of the autumn months, we are looking towards bringing some changes to the ACPA. As the role of our members continues to diversify, we have adjusted our mission statement, aims, and links to reflect this. We are also in the process of giving the website a major overhaul, so if access is limited for a period, please bear with us.
We are hoping to make it more user-friendly and establish better links with other professional groups and associations. We are also updating the membership forms and renewal process to make the whole process of applying and renewing membership a great deal easier.
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at info@acpa-uk.net.

Liverpool Arthroplasty Image Interpretation Course

A course for healthcare practitioners providing care for hip, knee, and shoulder arthroplasty patients, hosted by Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust (LUHFT) in association with Arthroplasty Care Practitioners Association and The Frostick Foundation. It runs on 7th & 8th November 2024 (9:00 – 17:00 both days) and is interactive online only.
The course will cover the following:
- Principles of IRMER and application to practice
- The ABC of X-rays and the basics of image interpretation
- Indications for, and complications of, hip, knee, and shoulder arthroplasty
- Developing competencies for image interpretation
- ACPA Members (include membership number): £170
- Non-Members: £200
Please email Catherine.Armstrong@liverpoolft.nhs.uk for an application form and further information (with the email subject of “Arthroplasty course: November 2024”), after which payments can be made via The Frostick Foundation (registered charity no. 1189332).

The British Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress 2024
This year’s flagship event will take place on 17th-20th September 2024 in Birmingham at the ICC under the theme of RECRUIT, SUSTAIN, RETAIN: THE T&O WORKFORCE.
Societies and groups attending and presenting include BAJIS, BASK, BESS, BOOS, NJRBTS, BSCOS, BLRS, CAOS, BHS, BOFAS, BOSTAA, BASS, ATOCP, BOTA, and the Fragility Fracture Network.
Registration opened on Monday 8th April 2024, and there are discounted rates available for ACPA members. For further information on the programme, registration, venue, accommodation, and fees, please go to www.boa.ac.uk.
News from the BOA
‘So you want to tackle waiting lists’
Any incoming government that is to tackle the backlog of elective care must ensure that the NHS does not ‘switch off’ elective orthopaedic services at the first signs of pressure on the system. It is now a routine expectation by patients and surgeons alike that people on the trauma and orthopaedic waiting list – the largest of the specialties – will be the first to have elective orthopaedic procedures like joint replacement surgery cancelled whenever there are winter or financial pressures on the NHS.
These procedures are not ‘elective’; they are ‘planned essential care’, which people cannot live their lives without. Cancelling them, often at short notice, has a devastating impact on patients’ health, wellbeing, independence, and economic activity.

News From GIRFT
Non-ambulatory fragility fracture pathway now available
GIRFT has shared a new national pathway outlining best practice concepts for ensuring patients with all types of fragility fracture receive excellent and equitable NHS care.

The GIRFT Non-Ambulatory Fragility Fracture (NAFF) pathway offers guidance for all stages of the patient journey – from presentation in secondary care, to admission and initial care, ongoing ward care, and discharge and follow-up – which should be applied to all NAFF patients, regardless of the anatomical site of their injury.

NJR Update
A new study using data from the National Joint Registry compares two types of shoulder replacement surgeries for osteoarthritis patients.

Data from the National Joint Registry (NJR) has provided valuable insight into the debate surrounding two types of shoulder replacement surgeries. Published in May 2024 in the BMJ and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), a new study analyses and compares outcomes after reverse total shoulder replacement (RTSR) and anatomical total shoulder replacement (TSR) for osteoarthritis (OA) patients aged 60 or older with intact rotator cuff tendons.
- 17-20 September 2024: BOA Annual Congress 2024, ICC Birmingham
- 20 September 2024: Falls Prevention & Management in Older People, 15 Hatfields, London, OR Virtual
- 20 September 2024: Prehabilitation: Principles & Practice for Supporting Patients to Get Fit for Surgery/Treatment, Virtual
- 27 September 2024: Hip Fracture Summit 2024, Virtual
- 1-2 October 2024: Future Surgery Show
- 10 October 2024: Day Case Total Hip Replacement – BADS Conference, Virtual
- 10-12 October 2024: Fragility Fracture Network European Regional Congress, Turkey
- 17 October 2024: Day Case Knee Arthroplasty – BADS Conference, Virtual
- 25-26 October 2024: AO Recon Course—Principles of Total Hip and Knee, London
- 11 November 2024: Early Intervention in Hip Surgery, Newcastle
We would love to hear from anyone interested in taking a more active role in the ACPA committee. If that appeals to you, please contact us at info@acpa-uk.net for an informal chat.
Follow us on X / Twitter, as there are many free webinars available that might be of interest to you.