The BASK meeting this year will be a virtual event, where delegates can watch presentations live and interact via chat functions. Their programme is as interesting and informative as ever and should be exciting to attend in the virtual arena. https://baskonline.com/professional/bask-spring-meeting-18-19-may-2021/
The ACPA parallel meeting will be pre-recorded and will be signposted from the main event. All of our exclusive presentations can be watched at any time during the two days of the meeting. Registration at the BASK meeting is required. The reduced rate for ACPA members is £50. You will need to use the Code ACPA50 when applying
However, in appreciation of your continued support of ACPA, we can provide £30 towards the BASK registration fee for any member wishing to attend this virtual event, if they have been a fully paid member of ACPA for the last year. You will need to apply to ACPA membership (via the
ACPA website) for confirmation of your membership status.
The content of the ACPA parallel meeting is as follows:
1: Short and Long-term results from accelerated knee pathways. Professor Karen Barker, Clinical Director- National Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford.
2: Process, findings and potential implementation strategy for the future from NICE guidelines on hip, knee and shoulder arthroplasty. Toby Smith, Associate Professor in physiotherapy (UEA) and Senior researcher in Rehabilitation at Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (University of Oxford).
3: High Tibial Osteotomy vs Uni-compartmental Knee Replacement. Mr Chris Wilson, Consultant Arthroplasty Surgeon/Clinical Director, Cardiff and Vale.
We plan to have an AGM whereby all members can attend the zoom meeting and have input into the organisation of ACPA for the coming year, this will take place on Tuesday 18/5/21 at 8.30 pm.
Details are as follows,
Topic: ACPA AGM 2021
Time: May 18, 2021 08:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9006 4165
Passcode: 352766
If anyone is keen to become involved at committee level, please don’t hesitate to get in touch or if you have any material for discussions at the AGM please forward to info@acpa-uk.net