Although the final programme from BASK will not be published until shortly before the event, we can report that ACPA will be enjoying joint sessions on outcome of TKR and periprosthetic joint infection. As always, there are several free paper sessions, which ACPA members are able to attend.
Our own conference is taking a ‘clinical pearls’ theme this year with sessions on how Arthroplasty Practitioners can assist with accurate GIRFT interpretation; salient points on assessment of upper and lower limb joint replacements and associated common conditions which may catch us unawares; xray interpretation, particularly sinister and/or unusual presentations, and finally, a session on health literacy/numeracy and how this impacts on patient education and consent. We are acutely aware that many practitioners are self funding and hope to provide you with an engaging and useful conference.
The early bird rate finishes on 9th Feb. Please visit www.baskonline.com for further details.http://baskonline.com/professional/event/bask-2018/